Monday, January 25, 2010

A Happy Belated Birthday to You, Tammy Graham!

Twas not so long ago (two weeks more or less) that Tammy became the first of this clan to turn 45. We May birthday girls will just have to wait our turn, right Dexter? Right New Nancy? Right MJ? Here on Sodium Manor I have been so pre-occupied with kitchens and internet modem blow ups and snafus that I was not able to properly acknowledge this milestone in this blog until now. So in honor of Ms. Graham's 45th birthday, she has given me permission to include this cheesy wheezy lemon squeezy, sweet in a goofball way, poem I wrote for her in honor of our life (well, and demonstrating for Sarah how easy it is to create a poem in less than an hour when money is tight and Xmas gifts are in demand and no, they don't all have to be romantic-ey and ewwwwy). So here goes.

Love in our house looks like this:

The sound of the washer at midnight
The buzz of the dryer at dawn
Cooking our eggs Sunday mornings
And John Deere mowing our lawn

The bellow of kids up the stairway
Loose sand from the dogs coating floors
Our TV too loud in the front room
The cat crying out near the door

Our house staying clean for a minute
Stray socks being flung in the hall
Making spaghetti for dinner
Nursing the tears from a fall

The laughter of kids being silly
They jump out and scare us for fun
Talking of homework and stories
Helping each other stay young

The paying of bills at the table
The projects that move up our list
Simply put our life is amazing
Each day is a wonderful gift

a-blee a-blee a-blee that's all folks. Until next week, another day another project.


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