Monday, August 17, 2009

New Venue!! Welcome one, welcome all.

Hey everybody! Welcome to my newly refurbished What the Heck?? blog. It has been renamed Cannon shots and fodder, and will be updated regularly and topics added etc. I won't even go into what I think about those little glass dolphins hanging from rear view mirrors right now, but soon there will be no stopping me, right MJ? Actually its not the dolphins. It's the drivers who like them, and yes I'm talking to you too, Jetta owners!

This thing is in it's infancy, and like a baby we'll all have to deal with some spit up and drool periodically until I grow into my very own sippey cup. Filled with Miller Lite of course. Urp. Is it football season yet? GO BEARS! Rumor has it Favre may still be a Viking but seriously, who cares? Myth Busters turned it down as too boring. If you say the word Minnesota really fast it comes out Mediocre. I'm just sayin'.

Anyway, more to come soon and I LOVE IT! Thanks MJ and Caroline and Xena and Dogmom and Sufi. Thank you all.


  1. Hey! Kim K. is a fan of those "glass dolphins." Which are actually air fresheners. LOL.

  2. I’m dazzled. I’m twirling. I’m a cosmic, mystic, delighted Sufi. Thank you for making The Update a blog! I’m sorry to say that vlogs & vlogging are now all the rage (Video blogs). So, technically, your brand-spanking-new blog is already outdated. Sorry for the bad news. But for those of us who still admire and even prefer the written word, it is probably a little like books vs. TV. Books will never go out of style (I hope not as my coolest invention depends on their existence). THANK YOU SO MUCH for this paradigm shift. Also, I look forward to reading your friends’ comments about the shots and fodder.

  3. Here is the funny stuff Diane sent me in email...when she has this great tool to track here.

    Diane L. Cannon wrote:
    Hey Sufi! Thanks for the blog note. As to vlogs. Of COURSE I am behind. LOL I am the one who waited over a year to invest in Bass Brown suede saddle shoes in high school, about two weeks before they stopped being cool. Story of my life. Though I too am so much more attached to the written word. I have a face made for radio (or blogging). :-) Right now I'm still trying to figure out who to get pictures and such on there. I am a dinosaur. AND I LOVE IT. I AM Erma Bombeck reincarnated you know.... :-)

    to which I said, "hi! can you figure out how to post this cute note as a comment on your
    blog? it is so funny - everyone should get to enjoy it. saddle shoes!!!!"

    to which she said, "LOL. Saddle shoes....circa 1982. Along with oxford shirts and wearing sweaters not on, but arms over the shoulders pinned in front with a stick pin. :) And the Preppy Handbook came out. LOL"

    Don't miss out - post your comments here.
