Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Crazy as a Soup Sandwich

Please take note of the wonderful sunset from the front window of Sodium Manor Sunday night. Sarah took this photograph with her phone. Yes, with her phone. Technology still never ceases to amaze me. When I was a kid the coolest thing ever was snapping a photo with a Polaroid, ripping it out of the side of the camera, wafting your arm pit with it while counting off the 30 seconds before peeling the back off. If you peeled too soon it was ruined. If you peeled too late it was ruined. Oh what a game it was. Now, you snap and download and viola. Yes, that is pretty cool too, but with no risk it lessens the drama. How many photos do I have with stripes down the middle and blurry faces resembling Sasquatch all because I just couldn’t wait the full 30 seconds? Kind of like now, when I testily drive five miles out of my way and take 15 extra minutes rather than sit in traffic for 8 watching the driver next to me pick his nose. Oh I’m a smart one I am. They’ll never call me green and I’m glad, so there. What’s so good about green anyway? Green with envy, green-eyed monsters, green in the gills, greenhorn. There is no good green. (Green M&Ms are just slutty) Ask Kermit. He knows it ain’t easy being green. He sings that damn song for goodness sakes and we all shake our heads and give a knowing aww. So that’s what I think about green. Personal responsibility for my space and planet? Absolutely. Color of the day, flavor of the month? Never. Bush senior once drilled it into me through the media that Mohmar Khadaffi was as crazy as a soup sandwich yet he’s still running Libya decades later? What the?? And Elian Gonzalez seems just fine in Cuba last I heard. Next week it will be a new color. Well, unless we all die from H1N1. All we must ask ourselves is: What would Woodsy do? Hoot Hoot.

Speaking of hoots, we had one Friday night at Mama G’s with Deana, Donna and Maureen. You know, just when you think you know your friends they’ll up and surprise you. I had no idea Deana is obsessed with the game show, The Price is Right. No, there are no typos in that statement. THE PRICE IS RIGHT! She tapes it daily. Seriously. She even tried out for the show when they held auditions at Mall Of America last year. I had no idea. What’s even more surprising is she didn’t make the cut. If you met Deana you would be shocked she didn’t make the cut. SHOCKED I say. If anyone is PIR material, she is. All that could have been missing in my opinion were the 48DDs bouncing around. Isn’t that what you always see when you tune in? Some extra large woman bustling down the aisle when Johnny Olson shouts for her to COME ON DOWN! Ba-da-boom ba-da-boom. I believe buxom is the word. Seems like it anyway. So anyway, she didn’t make it but that woman can cite you the cost of a jar of Gold Bond Medicated Cream and a Zippo twin pack without even blinking. So of course we were all doing the Price is Right Yodel music remembering that Swiss Alps mountain climber guy. Deana says now it’s all about the Plink-O. Whatever. Life just never ceases to amaze me. Ever. Deana, my wish for you is to make the next try out. We’ll come and support you and I’ll stuff your bra with melons if that’s what it takes. GO GIRL. What a night we had. Then there was the skinny meth-head fuzzy-faced pony tail guy trying to lure Maureen outside as he was weaving past us on his way outside to smoke, and wanted her to come sit on his lap and keep him warm. Yeah, now that’s a winning pick up line. The creep factor on that guy was a 10 (insert Price Is Right yodel music here).

The rest of the weekend was spent watching the Twins and Bears. Twins tied it all up!!!! One game playoff TODAY at 4pm CST against Detroit to determine the AL Central champs. How cool is that? They’ve won 16 out of their last 20. I think they will do it too. GO TWINS. And of course my Bears won. YES!!!!! Tonight is Vikings versus Packers. VIKES WON! What a great sports time it is in the Twin Cities.

Guess that’s it for this week. Until next time….. GO BEARS

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