Sunday, December 6, 2009

Drive Thru Live Nativity Scenes...Seriously...

Hey there comrades in alms. Bell ringers everywhere (well, except Target stores of course, though Christmas musak abounds EVERYWHERE, and there's the garland wrapping it's seaweed-like arms in a grip of death hanging all over everything and I don't mean garland as in Judy (from Minnesota doncha know). If she only had a brain... Must be that time of year. If you look closely though Valentine accoutrements are whispering out loud begging to be placed on end caps and in aisles..

So today took us once again to Home Depot. This is now a store that I actually know my way around. This was not a goal of mine, yet one I can add to my sash of unexpectedly earned merit badges. It will go next to the "I can get dried coffee stains out of a shirt" badge, but underneath the "I can dig a fence post hole" badge. It resides along side my newest badge called the "I can actually switch out electrical outlets without getting electrocuted" badge. I never woulda thought. I swear if I get a callous, heads will roll. Where are my millions? I know they are out there I just haven't found them yet. Darn you Captain Jack Sparrow. Darn you to heck.

Anyway, during our trek out to earn badges and collect paint cans that once empty will sit for years in the pole barn, garnering a "we really need to do something with those" every other spring or so, in the meantime we were out and about today and I saw at least seven different cars with Christmas trees tied to the top. Pardon me, but is that green? I get beat up daily with the GREEN monster. Save the planet this, emission that, my carbon footprints are leaving tread marks on the planet, no burping in the library, whatever (insert eyeroll here). I thought tree killing ranked up there with smoking in public these days. I hope penance is in the mind of all those choppers. Green penance too. And that's penance not green peace. I don't mind green peas in my salad but not in my ocean or up in my business. You can tune a piaono but you can't tune a fish. REO told me so. I am kiddng in case anyone is squirming.

OK, so what is my point? My point is I live in Anoka County. In Anoka County there is an on going fight between the city council and business owners over those rent-a-signs on trailers that are large and flourescently lettered that you can place near the road to advertise bands, or specials on meals at Zebra Pizza, french tip nails at You Got Nailed, or whatever. Business owners swear they are helpful and the council feels they are eyesores. Well, today while driving past all the tree killers there appeared before me a giant sign in pink letters informing me of the drive-thru LIVE nativity scene on December 12th at "X" church. Yes, a Lutheran one. What ones aren't up here? It's like advertising LIVE nude girls (yeah those dead ones? Borrring). LIVE fake Mary and Joseph complete with a donkey and freezing parent volunteered baby (stage mothers already? HMM). Oh, LIVE petting zoo extra I'm sure. I don't know. Struck me as very odd. I have a non-live nativity scene in my living room.

I guess that's all I have to say for today. I love Christmas as much as the next Judeo-Christian person, just sometimes the whole thing seems overdone by our pseudo capitalistic bent. I know I can drive-thru to get a Whopper or Filet-O-Fish, but Nativity? Am I just that Naive? Perhaps. Until next week. HAPPY ALMOST CHRISTMAS EVRYONE. GOD BLESS US EVERYONE (said Tiny Tim, doing his best Gregory House limp)

1 comment:

  1. At a church in Island Lake during the Easter season there are volunteers/actor-hopefuls that sit outside the tomb to guard Jesus.

    They sit in folding chairs, wearing some guard garb and drink sodas (or coffee) all day and night, chatting about everything other than who they are supposed to be guarding, I'm sure.

    I've witnessed them waving at the cars which honk as they pass by. It just makes me chuckle.

    I'm sure that's not the effect they're going for, as I really should be driving past and thinking about the ultimate sacrifice made for me.

    But, I gotta tell ya, I look forward to seeing them every year. :-)
