Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Bears are Von Trapped...

In the words of Owen Meany, from the incredible book by John Irving, A Prayer for Owen Meany, I trust these words immensely. THERE ARE NO ACCIDENTS. Such is my case in point when last night I watched the first half of, The Sound of Music, on DVD. I talk about the movie at times, I reference the movie occasionally, but when was the last time I actually sat and purposely watched the movie opening credits included? I do not recall. Like I said, I watched the first half last night while Jake and Tammy did something which now escapes me, and then he wanted to watch a comedy and Maria Von Trapp gave way to Uncle Buck with John Candy (hilarious by the way). But, since watching the first half of the movie and both halves of the Bears game that just ended in a lopsided blahdeeblah, it comes as no surprise that my head is full of new lyrics...

(To the tune of "How Do You Solve a Problem Like Maria?")

How do you solve a problem like the Bears?
How do you catch a ball and bring it down?
How do you find the wins that mean a title?
A fumble dee bum, a will of the wrist, a bomb

Many a thing you know you'd like to tell them
Many a thing they ought to understand
But how do we make them play?
And listen to all we say?
How do we keep the wave up in the stands?

Oh, how do you solve a problem like the Bears?
How do you hold a football in your hand? (recall nun wooOOooOoooo voices here)

Ok, ok I'm done. Ugh. I lost two bets on that game, darn it. There goes two bucks and I don't mean deer up here.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I am thankful for everything I have and everything I don't have. I am blessed. Now, if only someone would bless the guy at Home Depot before I go there and poke his eyeballs out ala Larry Stooge. Why? Well, Tammy and I went to Home Depot last weekend to buy paint to paint all the ceilings upstairs (ick) and then paint for the living room, hallway, and basement stair way. Tim, the Depot dude, captured us and told us of the new Behr Ultra paint that has the primer right in it for the walls, and produced the sample board to prove you will only need one coat even if painting over red. Hmm...sound too good to be true? He assured us that in the long run we will save money by not buying primer. Cut to Thursday. Kids are with their dad. We are all set up for painting. Dogs are locked outside, music on the iPod speakers is filling the house with eclectic artists, including but not limited to Kitty Wells and Bob Dylan. We are ready to paint. The ceilings came and went no problem. Tammy rolled, I trimmed. Now we begin the living room walls in what they call Summer Moon, but to me known as truck stop butter pat yellow. Long story short this paint sucks. It runs, it's thick, it's the Log Cabin syrup of paint. It ran like a sprinter. We had to do three, count 'em three, coats. We used all the paint we bought just on the living room. I don't think I've ever heard Tammy swear as much since I've known her. It was George Thoroughgood, Baaaaaaad to the bone. B-b-b-b-ba-yud. The room looks fantastic though but never again will we use that paint. Nick's coming tomorrow to patch and mud and then we will do the kitchen and hallways this weekend most likely. It never ends...

We did get the tree up as you can see in the picture. You won't know but I do, that the walls are painted nicely. Tipsy the cat only has five lives left though since she likes to walk the room as close to the wet walls as she can get, but other than that...

Satruday we went to Tammy's sister's for the family Thanksgiving. It was super delicious and part of the reason I lost no weight this week. My weigh-in is on Sundays but today it registered no change. I'll take that as a positive since I packed in the turkey and dressing and all of that stuff and no change means no add-on. I'll take it.

I'm thinking this is all I'll write for now. My Bears are done for the playoff picture. Vikes are looking good I have to say. I think we need to rename the Timberwolves the Twigpuppies for now and the Wild, the kinda rowdy but not missing curfew guys. Let's hope Tubby Smith can get some wins from his felons!

Take care everybody. Happy Thanksgiving to all and to all a good night!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Deer me, it's a Wild life

Greetings and salutations fellow blog travelers. I have been remiss in keeping my weekly updates weekly. In life we either have results or reasons. I have many reasons why I am behind and the results speak for themselves. One reason being the basment has been torn up and my computer lives there, and had to be covered daily to keep the sheet rock dust from infiltrating the be-bopper-thingees that make computers go hmmmm. We had a water leak, well, actually the hose was left on a trickle by a mysterious physical phenomena (since no one will own using the hose, it must've been magic) for close to a week, and it leaked into the wall between the foundation and basement wall, so Tammy's nephew got it all fixed up and we purchased the paint today to cover the "new" spot, yadda badda bing. Of course that led to discussion of what we want to do with the house in general since we are not moving for a while (we looked at the possibility of going north the 7 miles into the kids' school district but that's not feasible right now since all the foreclosures and short sales have diluted the market prices, etc.) and what to do with the basement and kitchen, and that led to more paint being purchased, currently scheduled to be applied this week and weekend. And THAT led to discussion on painting the kitchen cabinets and buying new counter tops. And THAT led to discussion of remodeling the basement and turning the bedroom down there into a master bedroom for us, expanding the bathroom down there and adding a walk-in closet. And THAT led to me popping this beer and starting my blog... I can't take it...... bwahahaha

Long story short (too late I know), Tammy and I took her mom and brother Dan to the NHL Wild game a couple of weeks ago. I scored the tickets from my work since all the guys were tied up with deer opener. You know, going unshaven for days, dipping the Skoal or Copenhagen, drinking beer, guy bonding chest pounding tall tale telling; my co-workers live for it, and you get my drift. Minnesota goes crazy for its hunting, that's for sure, and most of the guys I work with hunt. Well, except Kenny, but he trolls the happy hours for all the hunter widows during the season so in a sense he's a hunter too. That said, we had a ball at the hockey game. Great seats and a good game and we won against the Dallas Stars, which were formerly the Minnesota North Stars. Sarah opted not to go becuase she is crazy (my opinion lol) and Jake did not go because he was hunting (of course) with his dad down near Winona. Andy got a deer this year, a 13-pointer. The term, "Nice rack," has a different meaning up here you know. Hence the photo of Jake with a decapitated deer head in his hands. How sweet.

Right now I just got done on the treadmill, or the hampster wheel, as I call it. I'm up for losing a few pounds this winter and fitting into some older jeans I remember fondly. Wish me luck. I'll either get there or not; results or reasons that's for sure.

Tonight the Bears take on the Eagles for the late game. Jake loves the Eagles. McNabb is even his screen saver. So I'm about to embark on making jambalaya from scratch and donning my Urlacher jersey to settle in and watch. I'll also have my autographed Gayle Sayers mini-helmet on display and my Bears koozie and...ok, that's enough. He'll sport his McNabb jersey (that I bought him by the way - hope he remembers that if the Eagles are thumping them - lol)and use his Eagles drinking glass. Oh how I wish the Bears were playing better this year. Oh well, it should be fun anyway. Let the taunting begin.

I guess that's about it for this week. Take care everyone. I love you all. GO BEARS!


Sunday, November 1, 2009

Knock it off

Another Halloween has come to pass. Wow. My dad even called to see what I created for costumes this year. There was a time Halloween was my favorite holiday. It was so primal and rough. So, so early scrapbooking. Now it's as commercial as Christmas so I'm not so anxious to, "get my pumpkin on". I still appreciate my Oingo Boingo theme song, "Dead Man's Party" and like to carve pumpkins and all of that but I don't get all het up for it. Now I just watch old Roseanne halloween episodes. I think that surprised my dad. But that's life, the evolution of it. It's like my Grandma Jane still putting out green onions for me as a snack because I loved them when I was five and she thought that was so cute. I was like, Grandma! I'm 18. I kiss people now. She never did get it. Or maybe she did. Heh heh heh. She always was a sly one, my grandma.

We pause this blog for a Special Report: Here's an interesting tidbit for you all. A recent study from a controversial unaccredited school shows that telling someone to, "just calm down" when they are extremely agitated or angry only works about nine percent of the time. "Knock it off" doesn't work at all and there is no proof that "hey, settle down" works and in fact, "take a deep breath" and "sit down and relax" work even less. And if you want to get punched in the forhead try telling someone irate to, "just mellow out". Hey, I read it in The Onion so it must be true. It was right next to the article by the woman claiming that if God had intended her to love and tolerate gay people he would have given her the warmth and compassion to do so and that he works in mysterious ways. I love The Onion.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled blog.

I myself never did fall victim to the over hyped H1N1, being impervious to such infections by a steady influx of Miller Lite. However, I have been battling a cold and cough for over two weeks now. In fact we had to cancel our long planned outing with Cathy and Andrea last Friday night. I was bummed, bummed I tellya. And Saturday we had no trick-or-treaters at all. What the? We are "a little rural" but still. So we watched a movie instead. "The Painted Veil", with Ed Norton and Naomi Watts. Two thumbs up. Good heavy drama. Segue alert - bam - On Tuesday I am going for my annual physical, so I got that going for me. Yeah, now I have five days to worry she's going to find that hidden festering globule that's been slowly growing deep inside my torso since the day after my last physical. That used to be kind of funny until I realized I am now in my mid 40s and that stuff really happens. Oh well. If she does find a grapefruit or some other kind of fruit, maybe an ugli fruit or pear, I'm sure I can sell it to Ringling Bros. or on eBay.

Sunday we went to Tammy's sister's house to surprise her for her 50th birthday. She sure was surprised since she's only 39. That was awkward. We'd always been told she was the oldest. Actually, it was a super nice surprise and about 20 or so people were there and we think she was genuinely surprised. We came early and decorated while they were at church and her daughter even came to town and surprised her from North Dakota. Yeah, it was a surprise all right. She didn't know she had a daughter. I told her to "just mellow out". The doctor said the goose egg on my forehead should fade in about a week. Go figure.

I better end this now. Bears won. Vikes won. Phillies on TV now, losing the series 3-2. Come on Utley. Have a great weekend everyone. Until next time.


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